Checking switches


Sometimes faulty circuit breakers are the source of faults in electrical equipment. Ford uses various types of switches in the Fiesta, some of them with symbols printed on them. To check their serviceability, you can use a test lamp with wires, at the ends of which needles are fixed, with which they pierce the insulation and determine whether voltage is supplied through the tested wires. Replace defective switches only with genuine Ford parts.


1. Obtain a wiring diagram for the Fiesta.

2. First of all, check if voltage is applied to the switch under test. To do this, connect a test lamp to the wire, piercing the insulation of the corresponding wire with a needle.

3. Check that voltage is being applied to the switch being tested by repeatedly turning on the ignition or lighting.

4. Then check for the presence of voltage, which should be supplied when the switch is set to the appropriate position.

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