Removing the fuel pump on vehicles with gasoline engines



1. Disconnect a wire from the negative plug of the storage battery.

2. Tilt the back of the rear seat forward and remove the protective cover from the floor of the body.

3. Disconnect the fuel pump multi-pin connector.

4. Clean the fuel tank and adjacent surfaces.

5. Disconnect the supply and return fuel lines.

Pic. 10.7. Using the Ford Special Tool 23-026 to loosen the fuel pump retaining ring in the fuel tank

6. Insert a hardwood wedge into the retaining ring and tap it lightly with a hammer. Ford service centers use special tool 23-026 for this (pic. 10.7).

7. Carefully pull the pump and fuel gauge out of the fuel tank opening.

8. Thoroughly clean all sealing surfaces before installing the pump.

9. Replace damaged gaskets and washers.

10. According to the marks, install the fuel pump and the fuel level sensor in the tank.

11. Before wrapping the retaining ring, check once again that the gasket is installed correctly.

12. Connect the wire to the negative terminal of the battery and turn on the ignition - the pump should turn on for 30 seconds. This is how long it takes to create working pressure in the power system.

13. Check up tightness of branch pipes of fuel lines.

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