Replacing Instrument Panel Switches


You will need: T25 TORX wrench, flat blade screwdriver.

1. Disconnect the wire from the terminal «minus» battery.

2. Remove the central overlay of the instrument panel (cm. «Removal and installation of the instrument panel»).

3. Turn out two screws of fastening …

4.... press down the switch box..

5.... and take the switch box away from the instrument panel.

6. Squeeze the latch..

7.... and disconnect the wiring harness block from the switch.

8. Similarly disconnect pads of a plait of wires from other switches and remove the block of switches.

9. Squeeze the latches of the electric seat heating control if it needs to be replaced..

10.... and remove the regulator.

11. Squeeze the latches on the switch to be replaced..

12.... and remove the switch.

13. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

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