Two keys are applied to the car, each of which can unlock the door locks and turn on the ignition.

The car key set includes two keys and a tag with the key series number.

GOOD ADVICE: Save the tag: in order not to change the locks if the keys are lost, new keys can be ordered from the factory by their number.

To lock the locks of all car doors and trunk lids (on sedan vehicles), press button 1. To unlock the locks, press button 2. If you only want to unlock the tailgate lock (trunk lids), press button 3.

To replace the battery in the key, follow these steps.

1. Press the lock with a screwdriver..

2.... and separate the remote control unit and the key holder.

3. Press the lock with a screwdriver..

4....and separate the remote control housing.

5. Remove the battery from the remote control housing.

6. Install a new battery in the reverse order of removal.

WARNING: When installing the battery, observe the polarity: the positive pole of the battery must be on top.

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