Removal and installation of a screen wiper (in front)


Removal and installation of a screen wiper (ahead) run as follows:

- carry out the work given in the previous section, including the removal of the aerodynamic protection;

- use a special wrench of a suitable size to wring out the drive from the bearing installation site;

- replace the bearing shell and rubber cuff (lubricate well before assembly);

- put on the cuffs over the edges of the bearing sleeve and install the sleeves on the bearing;

- for assembly, it is necessary to have pliers for the cooling system pump and an end head of the required diameter;

Pic. 293. Compression of the bearing sleeve on the wiper drive

- install the socket on the edges of the bearing sleeve and squeeze with pliers, as shown in fig. 293;

- the rest of the work is performed in the reverse order.

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