Additional operations for removing the engine on vehicles with automatic transmission


1. In the engine compartment, unscrew the upper bolts securing the gearbox to the engine. Mark the location of the ground bus, vacuum tube brackets and oil level gauge tube in the gearbox.

2. On the left side of the cylinder block, unscrew the bolt securing the tube of the oil level gauge in the gearbox.

3. Unscrew the four bolts securing the torque converter to the drive disk through the starter mounting hole. For consistent access to each bolt, turn the crankshaft by the pulley mounting bolt.

4. Support the gearbox with a suitable hoist and wide board and raise the gearbox slightly.

5. Unscrew the remaining bolts securing the gearbox to the engine from under the car.

6. When disconnecting the engine from the gearbox, make sure that the torque converter is securely held in the gearbox housing.

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