Engine Specifications and Torques


General specifications

Cylinder numbers (from the end of the drive belt to the end of the gearbox)1-2-3-4
Ignition order1-3-4-2
Camshaft lobe liftmm(inches)
Interior (inlet6.33(0.249)
External (high school graduation6.07(0.239)
Permissible lift reduction0.127(0.005)

Tightening torques

Moment specification:N.m.(foot pounds)
intake manifold bolts20.3-31.2(15-23)
exhaust manifold bolts
for the 1st appointment (step)6.8-9.5(5-7)
for the 2nd appointment (step)27.1-40.7(20-30)
rocker bolts
for the 1st appointment (step)5.4-9.5(4-7)
for the 2nd appointment (step)27 1-35.3(20-26)
rocker cover bolts8.1-10.9(6-8)
cylinder head bolts
for the 1st appointment (step)70.5-80(52-59)
for the 2nd appointment (step)94.9-103.1(70-76)
Bolts connecting the oil pan to the engine20.3-31.2(15-23)
Oil pump bolts20.3-31.2(15-23)
Bolts connecting the oil pan to the gearbox40.7-53(30-39)
Damper upper suspension bolts54.2-74 6(40-55)
Damper lower suspension bolts28.5-40.7(21-30)
Bolts of fastening of a forward part of the engine54.2-74.6(40-55)
Nuts of fastening of a forward part of the engine74.6-101.7(55-75)
Rear upper engine mounting bolts to the block54.2-74.6(40-55)
Rear lower engine mounting bolts to the block94.9-130.2(70-96)
Rear engine mount to block94.9-130.2(70-96)
Rear through engine mount anchor bolt54.2-74 6(40-55)
Rear lower engine stud nut68-101.7(50-75)

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