Removal and installation of an inlet collector


1. Remove upper intake manifold and throttle body (chapter 4).

2. Disconnect the cooling hoses from the intake manifold.

3. Disconnect fuel hoses (chapter 4).

4. For 3.0L engines only - if you have not already done so - remove the distributor and coil with bracket as described in chapter 5 and pull out the hoses (section 4).

5. Only for 3.8L engines - remove the PCV tube (see picture).

6. Unscrew the bolts / studs of the lower intake manifold (on 3.0L models, this operation requires the use of a TORX - 50 screw socket). remembering the location of the studs for later installation.

7. Remove the intake manifold. Sometimes you have to use a screwdriver as a lever, sliding it under the edge of the manifold to pry off the RTV seal. Be careful not to damage the treated surfaces

8. Clean off any remnants of the old seal. Wash off oil and dirt with a cloth soaked in solvent.

9. Lightly oil the bolts and studs included in the assembly.

10. Apply a 1/8" thick coat of RTV Sealant (Ford type D6A2 - 19562 or similar) at all angles at which the head contacts the engine block (see picture).

11. Place new gaskets on the engine using Ford D7A2 - 19B508 - A type adhesive or equivalent. Make sure the centering pins and keys are installed correctly (see pictures).

Note: The assembly should be assembled within a few minutes. Do not allow RTV Sealant to dry out.

12. Carefully reinstall the lower manifold. Make sure the gaskets have not moved. Get the bolts and studs in place.

13. Tighten bolts and studs in sequence (see picture), achieving the desired torque value in several steps.

14. Install the parts removed earlier for better access in the reverse order of assembly.

15. Fill the cooling system and start the engine. Check ignition timing (if the distributor has been removed).

16. Check for possible fuel, air and coolant leaks.

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